Kratom for Sleep: Everything You Need to Know

Plants make up 80 percent of all biomass on Earth. And as it turns out, many of them have medicinal properties.

Take the echinacea plant, for instance, its leaves and roots can help fight various infections including the common cold, flu, and other respiratory infections.

Kratom is another example. A tropical tree, it has a rich history that dates back hundreds of years.

Thinking of trying it out? Perhaps you’d like to use kratom for sleep? If so, you’re on the right page. Keep reading for everything that you need to know!

What Is Kratom?

Kratom is a tree that’s related to the coffee family. Native to Southeast Asia, its leaves are known to contain psychotropic compounds. That is, it can affect your mood, behavior, and perception.

Not only that, but it also produces opioid-like analgesic effects. For that reason, many people use it to treat conditions such as fibromyalgia.

How Do You Take Kratom?

Kratom can be taken in a number of ways. For example, you can get it as a powder, tablet, or extract. If you want, you can even brew a tea out of the leaves.

Keep in mind, however, that some forms are easier to take than others. For instance, many people prefer the powder as it can be mixed into smoothies and other drinks.

Does Kratom Help With Sleep?

Kratom acts as a sedative at high doses. In other words, it can help you sleep at night.

Not all strains are the same, though. Generally speaking, you want to go for Red Kali and Bali strains as they offer better relaxing properties.

For more information, check out this guide.

How Much Should You Take For Sleep?

Dosage is very important when it comes to kratom. After all, the effect will depend on how much you’re taking. For one thing, it acts as a stimulant at lower doses.

As for how much to take, the recommended dose for sleep is somewhere between 5-15 grams. Assuming that it’s your first time taking kratom, you’ll want to start off on the lower end before making your way up.

Note: For the best results, take kratom a few hours before going to bed.

Potential Side Effects

Kratom is typically well-tolerated. However, as with all supplements, there’s always a possibility of side effects.

For example, some people may experience dry mouth, nausea, itching, constipation, sweating, or, loss of appetite. Not only that, but it’s possible to get addicted to or overdose on kratom.

That’s why it’s so important to stick to the proper dosage.

Taking Kratom For Sleep

Now you know all about how to take kratom for sleep! If anything, the most important thing is to take the right dose. That way, you’ll be able to minimize your chance of side effects.

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