How to Fix ” We Could Not Complete your iTunes Store Request”
“Every time I try to buy a song or update my iPhone apps, I keep getting an error message saying “We could not complete your iTunes store request. The iTunes Store is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later.” I have the latest version of iTunes and last week, I changed my iTunes password. Now I get this error every time. Does anyone know what it means or how to fix it?”
These iTunes errors are nothing new and although not much is known about what causes them, their solutions can often be simple. In this article, we provide you with an effective solution to this particular problem. Read on to find out what you can do. We’ve divided the individual solutions for Mac and Windows users because the processes are not the same. Choose your solution depending on the platform you use.
How to Solve this Problem for Windows Users
If you are experiencing this error message and you are using iTunes on a Windows System, follow these instructions to fix it.
Step 1: Quit iTunes and Safari if you have the browser on your Windows computer.
Step 2: Open Windows Explorer.
Step 3: In the upper bar of the Windows Explorer, under Organize, choose “Folder and Search Options.”
Step 4: in the “View” tab, ensure that “Show Hidden files, folders and drives” is checked and then click OK.
Step 5: Go to C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\iTunes\Cookies or YourUserName\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\iTunes\Cookies and delete everything in the folder.
Step 6: Now launch iTunes and connect to your iTunes account.
This should eliminate the problem and allow you to purchase or download apps all over again. Check more informations here.
How to Solve the Problem for Mac Users
If you are using a Mac instead, here’s how to go about solving the problem.
Step 1: Sign off on the Mac App Store and iTunes but leave the Mac App Store open.
Step 2: Quit iTunes and iBooks if they are running.
Step 3: Now, open Safari and go to Preferences/ Privacy.
Step 4: Choose to Block cookies “Always”.
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Step 5: Click on “details” under “Remove all website data…”
Step 6: Search for “” and click on it when it appears in the search results, click “Remove” and then click “Done.”
Step 7: Now quit Safari and open Activity Monitor. In Activity Monitor, search for “storeagent.” (You may find it as ibookstoreagent.)
Step 8: Select all of them and force quit (you can do that sing the “X” in the toolbar if you are using Mavericks.)
Step 9: In Finder, go to ~/Library /Cookies and delete everything in that folder. Empty the trash.
Now go back to the iTunes store or the Mac App Store and you should be able to sign in now. Check more informations here.