Finer Options for the Digital Progress for the Sake of the People with Disability

Digital inclusion contributes to the democratization of access to assistive and information technologies. With this, the citizen who acquires knowledge capable of allowing him to become a user of information technologies can add positive changes in his social and professional life. Distance education in recent years has facilitated the inclusion of several people who previously had no access to education and information in USA.

Inclusion of people with disabilities is not limited to enrolling them, but provides the necessary support to enable them to develop actively, both cognitively, in language, in their autonomy, skills, identity and contextualized knowledge of the world. An example of inclusive education for people with disabilities is the 508 Compliance acts, where children with disabilities and without disabilities participate in various workshops, among them the production of children’s short stories and American classroom or distance learning.

Latin tide

Digital Inclusion has been a mandatory agenda in the national and international political scene and motivation of several actions, projects and programs in social agendas in USA and in several countries of the world. Digital exclusion in recent years caused by the unequal distribution of access to computers connected to the internet, to reverse this situation, the solution will be to democratize this access to such networks, which are included in education, as a way to facilitate learning through technological resources and in distance education.

  • According to the 508 Compliance website, in USA, digital inclusion came into effect, at the end of November 2005, with the digital inclusion project of the federal government, Computer for All (Connected Citizen Project). In this way, public Internet access centers, technological literacy courses, and other initiatives aimed at minimizing digital exclusion among people with disabilities, the elderly, the illiterate, indigenous people, the poor and teachers are being spread.
  • Digital inclusion refers to the search for the critical reflection of the world in which we live from the conditions of survival (employment, food, housing, etc.), promoting the reduction of social inequalities. It values ​​diversity, respects difference and seeks to reduce social inequality by offering opportunities for all, whether disabled or not.

The Specs

Most American cultural spaces do not elaborate means of accessibility for people with disabilities. The transformation of physical space, therefore, is the first thing to do, the place should be modified to cater well to all students with disabilities. Among some basic measures that are recommended for institutions is the installation of ramps, elevators and adapted toilets, among others.

An example of an institution that works with people with disabilities is the Association with parents that helps prevent and treat disability and promote well-being.

Digital Transformation 2021 technologies leave parents with doubts about letting children with disabilities use or not use them, but they have free educational applications that do not need the internet and help develop motor coordination, rhythm, creativity, math skills, and notions of care. The application “508 Compliance” is an example of this.
