What else can your flower girl carry except flower petals

The wedding is a very important part of one’s life, in fact, it is the highlight of your whole life because on that day you unite with the love of your life and finally decides to spend the rest of your life with someone. And it is a special day not only because of that because also this day you finally get to have your dream wedding and it is a special day for not only yourself but also for all the people who get to be the part of your wedding ceremony. There are bridesmaids, groomsmen maid of honour, best man, Paige boy, and the flower girl they all get to enjoy the wedding. But basically the cutest thing in all wedding is the flower girl and you can see her trotting down the aisle spreading the flower petals welcoming and introducing the bride to everyone. Not only that she is also dressed in a beautiful flower girl that dress that just makes her look like a little princess. Flower girl dresses are so cute and they make your flower girl look just like the miniature version of the bride herself.

Usually, the flower girl carry the basket of petals but here are some of the other things that you can have your flower girl carry to give just a change to your wedding


You can have her carry down the feathers and you can also have the decorated feathers like coloured feathers according to your theme of the wedding. You can also have them carry the glittered feathers that will help her scatter glitter from the feathers too and will give such a glittery look down the aisle


Instead of flowers what can spread like the confetti except for the confetti itself and it won’t even cost that much. So if it matches your wedding theme then you can switch from flowers to confetti.


You can also have her carry seashell in a basket and if not for the basket you can have her carry seashells in a huge half coconut made into a basket. This would be perfect for the beach themed wedding.

A parasol

A little parasol can also look very beautiful and will be such a unique idea for a flower girl to carry a parasol instead. This idea gets 100 times cuter when you have a toddler flower girl hold that and you can get colourful toddler flower girl dresses with this idea.


You can have flower girl throw the dried leaves if you are having an autumn wedding this will give such a beautiful touch to the wedding and you will always remember your wedding season by that.

Lights or lamp

You can have her hold a mason jar with twinkling lights and also a lantern or lamp if it is a night wedding.

But after all of this, if you want to go traditional way then what can look better else that a flower girl holding the basket of flower petals.
