Separating the Good From the Great: Selecting a Top Quality Fuel Filter Water Separator

Did you know that one in ten households own a boat in the United States? If you are part of this statistic and are looking for a quality fuel filter water separator to keep water from getting into your fuel system, you are in the right place.

Keep reading to learn the ins and outs of selecting a top-quality fuel filter for your boat.

1. Fuel Being Filtered

The first thing you have to do before you buy a fuel filter water separator is to figure out the type of fuel that is being filtered because filters can be compatible with a variety of fuels. The different types of fuel include diesel, biodiesel, non-reformulated gasoline, and reformulated gasoline.

2. Water Contamination

Once you know the type of fuel you are filtering it is time to decide whether or not you care about water contamination. There are some filters that will address water contamination and particulate contamination. If fuel that has too much water ever passes through the filter, the media will restrict flow in order to notify the operator.

3. Selecting the Right Media

Next, it is time to choose the media that is right for your boat. There are different types of media offered by reputable companies such as Clearflow Filtration Systems. Keep in mind that you always want to check your boat’s manual to see what the recommended media type is.

Choosing the right media will be one part of the equation the next thing you have to figure out is the filter size that you need. The size will depend on the flow rate of your particular system.

The following are the common types of media that you will have to choose from:


This media has synthetic fibers that are small and uniform in diameter. The size and diameter of the fibers help increase the life of the filter. This type of media is recommended with ultra-low sulfur diesel (ULSD), all biodiesel blends, Biofuels, and ethanol-blended gasoline (up to E15).


These media filters are made with paper that is a resin-bound plant-based fiber. These are not made for fine filtration they are only used for particulate removal. Cellulose is recommended to use with diesel, gasoline, and ultra-low sulfur diesel.

Hydrosorb – Hydroglass

Hydrosorb is used to detect water and to remove particulate. This media is best for biodiesel (up to B20), gasoline, diesel, and ultra-low sulfur diesel.

Monitor Filters

The design of this filter is meant to detect the phase separation in ethanol blends and any water that is found in gasoline. Phase separation is a chemical reaction where the contents of the tank are separated into gasoline, water, and alcohol.

Ready to Choose a Fuel Filter Water Separator?

Now that you know more about selecting the perfect fuel filter water separator you can make an informed decision while you are shopping for one. Don’t forget that the sooner you get one the more you will avoid dealing with costly engine failures or clogs.

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