How to make your Nike Footwear Lasts Longer
No doubt, Nikes are one of the most long-lasting footwear you can find. All fashion collections, including footwear, clothing, accessories, and equipment made by Nike last longer than the standard. You’re probably thinking that there is no big deal in this information considering that a pair of Nike shoes are more expensive than most other athletic shoe brands out there.
Well, you may be right about the cost but the fact that Nike products are durable doesn’t mean you should be lax about the maintenance. If you don’t take care of your footwear, it’s not going to last as long as it should. In this post, we’ll share some top tips that you can use to make your Nike Footwear lasts longer than normal. If you are planning to buy a Nike product anytime soon, you should consider getting a Nike promo code Malaysia to help you save on your order. Having said that, let’s see how you can take care of your Nike footwear.
- Keep Baby wipes handy
Instead of using cloth, water, and soap to clean dirt off the leather part of your shoes, it is better to use baby wipes. This is because baby wipes are very effective for removing stains and dirt from a pair of shoes, especially the light-colored pair. If there is any scratch or scrape that has not penetrated the leather of the shoes, baby wipes will do a good job of getting rid of them. If you’ve stepped on dirt, a baby wipe is also effective in removing such from the sole of your shoes. Apply this tip for your Nike footwear and you can expect it to last much longer. In case you just want to buy a pair of Nike shoes, get a Nike promo code Malaysia before you place your order.
- Get Nail Polish Remover
Well, nail polish remover has other purposes other than removing the gloss paints on ladies’ nails. You can use nail polish remover to get rid of scratches on the patent leather of your Nike footwear. Put a little quantity of nail polish remover on a cloth or tissue and wipe the scratch about two to three times. You’ll be surprised to find the scratch all gone. Thinking of adding a pair of Nike footwear to your collection? Remember to get a Nike promo code Malaysia to help you save on your purchase.
- Get a Pencil Eraser
Don’t be surprised; a pencil eraser can enhance the lifespan of your Nike footwear. With a pencil eraser, you can easily remove any scratch or scuff on the rubbery mid-sole of your shoes. Rub the eraser on the mid-sole like you would if you were trying to erase a mistake from a paper. As you rub the eraser, the scratch or scuff will come off gradually.
- Don’t throw the Cardboard or Paper Inserts away
Nike shoes usually come with cardboard or paper inserts. Don’t throw these away. Whenever you take off your shoes, place the inserts back in the shoes to keep them in their original state. This will prevent any creases or peel-offs on the leather.
Do you need to get a pair of Nike footwear? Don’t pay the full price for it. Get a Nike promo code Malaysia to save on your order.