The Best Type Of Security Fence For Government & Other Critical Infrastructures

Critical infrastructure decisions need to be made to improve overall security at your place of business, such as a military base, corporate headquarters, or even a government building. Security perimeter fencing is one of the most effective ways of protecting the building and the people working for your company. There will always be external threats that may come your way, and security fences, and the materials that they are made from, are important things to consider.

Certain companies will have what are called high-risk targets, and these areas need to be fortified using materials that are hard to penetrate. The fence itself must be difficult to climb if you want to properly protect your property. Whether for proper security focused on your employees or the property itself, you need to choose a fencing system that will work the best.

If this is for government property, you need to choose a fence that will work to protect this and other forms of critical infrastructure by first considering the following.

Pros & Cons of Chain Link Security Fences

Security fences are often made of what is called a chain-link fence and that is often the first type of fencing material that people will use. It may not be the best fit, especially if high-security systems are needed. Let’s go over some additional characteristics of this type of fence to understand why it may or may not work for your business.

Galvanized steel is the primary material that is used in the construction of these fences, and they are often reinforced with some type of vinyl material that will make them look much more appealing. This material is also moisture resistant, heat and cold resistant, and can handle most types of inclement weather. Best of all, it is affordable and low maintenance, which is why so many people choose this type of fence.

Conversely, chain-link may not be the best fit for your company because it is not a reliable fencing system that will provide you with limited visibility, plus it can be easily cut through or climbed over, plus it is not going to be resistant to projectiles or any other form of ballistics. Welded wire mesh, or perhaps the installation of concrete walls, would be much better choices.

Applications For Welded Wire Mesh

Welded wire mesh can help prevent people from getting into your facility by making it difficult for them to penetrate or climb over this material. This will either be a horizontal alignment or a vertical alignment when this wire mesh is installed either independently or as part of your existing chain-link system which can make your facility much more secure.

High-security facilities, for instance, rely upon this material, plus they may also incorporate louvered panels, and expanded metal components, all of which will create a much more highly sophisticated fence perimeter that will prevent a forced entry. The unique characteristics of this material make it a top choice for several businesses including:

  • Airports
  • Prisons
  • Stadiums
  • Campuses
  • Utility Substations
  • Chemical Plants
  • Power Plants
  • Military Installations and Embassies

Reasons to Use Concrete Security Fencing

One of the most impenetrable types of materials is a precast concrete wall which is often used for high-level facilities that require this type of protection. It is a difficult material to scale, plus it is bulletproof, or at least bullet resistant, and can withstand hurricane-force winds if necessary. These are becoming much more popular when it comes to places like electrical substations or any location where critical infrastructure needs to be protected.

When using this type of concrete, it will also provide a barrier to surrounding sounds, thus reducing noise pollution, plus the retaining walls will help protect your facility against lateral pressure. When setting the foundation for this fence, you will need to drill into the ground to insert concrete posts, followed by installing premade panels in between them.

High-Security Features for Reinforced Protection

If you are still contemplating what type of material or system would be best suited for protecting your facility, security fencing certainly can assist you, yet you must make choices based on what you are trying to protect which may involve adding a perimeter security fence around a government building or a location that provides critical infrastructure for the surrounding community.
