Is Your Website and Social Media Blending Seamlessly?

Do you own a website? Are you doing enough to promote your business online? If not, you need to make the most out of social networking sites like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and Google+ to boost your marketing campaigns. If you are not leveraging the power of these social platforms, you are missing on Facebook likes, Instagram fan-following, potential impressions, online interaction, and eventually sales and revenues. You need not be a rocket scientist to promote your website online. All you need is a little research and learning. Study how small and medium-scale businesses are leveraging social media in their respective fields. Here are is a quick guide to achieve your goals:

Include Social Media Where Relevant

Do you want to use social media to keep your clients updated on your company’s recent events or activities, display your Facebook or Twitter feed right on your business website? If so, avoid highlighting inactive social channels if you do not want to spoil your marketing efforts online. If you own an online gift card portal, make your tweets visible on the right-hand side of your website. Your tweets canbe about discounts,customer service feedback, and communication with your followers. On the contrary, if you have a web design business, you can integrate the tweets on your homepage, right at the bottom. Your tweets may consist of recent business events, company-related news, or client projects that you have successfully delivered.

Leverage the Power of Instagram Gallery

Do you want to share your latest product or service offerings with a larger audience base? If yes, reap the maximum benefits of Instagram’s photo gallery. All you need to do is build a live-feed of photo testimonials for real Instagram likes. You should custom-design the feed on your site to connect with your existing, past, and future customers. A feed displaying how beautiful a woman’s top is from your latest apparel collection or a TV star spotted dining at your restaurant will attract visitors to your website. Leverage the power of the Instagram photo gallery to show your brand is well-liked, popular, and admired by the rich and famous. If you own a Drupal or WordPress website, integrate a personalized Instagram feed. This way, your brand presence is sure to improve.

Avoid Overdoing

You would love to see your content shared and liked. However, that does not mean you clutter your web design with social media buttons, icons, and widgets all over your web pages. Before integrating the buttons, understand whether the information or photo displayedis worth sharing or not on Instagram, Facebook, or any other social networking platform. Include social media buttons only when you have new and meaningful content to show through your website. Making the pages look messy and confusing will not do you any good. Staying updated and relevant is the key to the success of your web design and social media strategy to improve online presence.


From stellar visual content to user-oriented information about your products, there are many ways to blend your website promotion efforts and social media. Web design and social media go together. Therefore, integrate Instagram and Facebook feeds to stand out from the rest.

Author Bio: Karen Anthony is a gifted web designer and creative writer. She has helped many businesses boost their online presence through Facebook and real Instagram likes.
