Effective Tips For Lending Money

Indeed, personal loans are one of the best ways to get out of financial difficulty. Although more people are finding ways to build up an investment or savings portfolio, an immediate lump sum is still helpful. This is true when you need money for expensive ventures or emergencies that will require supplementary funding.

Whether it is for funding a business, paying tuition fees, or paying for emergency medical expenses, personal loans from licensed money lender Singapore can offer an excellent refuge with an instant supply of cash. Applying for a personal loan may seem straightforward and easy. However, there are some aspects that borrowers tend to forget. These mistakes can be crucial in the determination of your credit history. This can result in a decline in an application or a debt trap.

As such, here are some of the common personal loan mistakes at Lender.sg that you should avoid having better financial health:

Borrowing for Luxury alone 

There is a general rule that will limit you on how you spend your loan amount. As such, it can be tempting to use it on luxury goods. Many people do not have a good relationship with money. Oftentimes, they succumb to a lifestyle creep once they have received the funds.

For instance, $100 from Lender.sg may seem a lot at first look. However, when you have $1,000 in your account, you can consider the former as a small amount. With this, the money that you have borrowed for future investments can dwindle because of unplanned micro-transactions.

Make sure that you avoid these incidents from happening. This is because you might run out of money for your intended purposes. Before buying the latest smartphone in the market with your loaned amount at licensed money lender Singapore, think about the possible effects of your choice.

Finally, there is nothing wrong with buying luxury items so long as you buy them with your extra cash. Do not buy it using your loaned money with interest charges.  

Not Comparing the Personal Loan Offers 

If you do not compare the personal loan offers, it can be unfavorable to your end. You can sometimes miss out on great offers if you settle on one immediately. You can visit many comparison platforms. This will enable you to compare personal loan offers by reading the information about the lenders’ charges, interest rates, and maximum loanable amounts. With this, you can determine whether the offer is right for your needs. Or if another one suits your financial capability.

Remember not to get overwhelmed with an offer that seems to be too good to be true. Spend some time to think and compare the available products. Personal loans are long-term commitments. Make sure that you are comfortable with the interest rates and the terms within your contract. This will also save you from debts and traps from the lenders. Sometimes, they might not inform you about the hidden fees, so it pays to do your research.  

Not Determining Your Current Credit Status 

Your credit status is similar to a VIP ticket that you can use to apply for personal loans. With a good credit history and score, you will unlikely to suffer from the application process. However, many applicants are not aware of their credit-worthy standing. Sometimes, they over-value their credit standing.

For example, it is important to determine whether you have unpaid bills or unsettled debts in your account. This can decrease your chances of approval for your loan.

As a borrower, you are subject to the assessment of the lenders. They meticulously check your application to make sure that they are working with people who can pay back their loans.  With this, take the prerogative to settle your credit account that can lessen your chances of approval. This will start by knowing your credit status. You can use it as a reference to clear the balances that you have and begin with a new credit line.  

You Do Not Have an Idea About your Repayment Capacity 

Many borrowers who fall for debt traps are those who did not evaluate correctly their ability to pay back the loans. When you take a personal loan, you must agree on a repayment plan. Decide on this based on your monthly salary and source of your income. Before you borrow money, make sure that you create a budget plan first. Make sure that you indicate your receivables versus your payables.


Next, determine the money left after monthly obligations. Create a realistic breakdown of the expenses and figure out the spending categories that you can cut. Only then, you will determine how much of your loans you are capable of paying back for each month.

Do not opt for a repayment amount that will take almost half of your salary. Unless the amount is enough to provide you with a financial cushion. Or if you have sources of income that will help you pay it.
